Saturday, 2 August 2008

The return of the Jays.

Bonjour Warsaw! The reason I say bonjour is because we don't know a word of Polish, although Charlotte thinks excuse me might be something along the lines of "boschlacken" because we were in the way on the bus and people kept asking us to move. The chances of this being correct are slim, and I am not convinced that "boschlacken" is not an insult to English people; as such, I have encouraged C not to use it in public.

For those interested, makeup and perfume is really expensive here: Touch Eclat is 35 quid, for example. And believe me, Charlotte is interested (and disgusted) with that. Also, C wishes me to inform all that Dior Pure Poison is 90 quid and so no self respecting lady should live in Poland.

For those not interested: Warsaw has saw a lot of war (see what I did there?!), We went round a museum about the Warsaw Rising and nearly cried. It didn't help that this weekend is its anniversary and so it was full of veterans also crying.... a light-hearted afternoon I think not.

What is light-hearted, however, is our attitude to crossing the road in Europe. Apparently jay walking is a crime... BUT WE AIN'T BEEN A-CAUGHT YET (insert southern American accent (for no reason) here). We have begun to refer to ourselves as 'jays'. (C would like to point out that she actually hasn't.) The Polish and Germans, however, are not jays. They trust appfelman like we trust Living TV to air at least one episode of America's Next Top Model a day.

On an intellectual note, if anyone fancies looking up the death rates of pedestrian road accidents in Berlin and Warsaw and compare them to Britain’s we would be most grateful because we can't be bothered. Our hypothesis is that Brits will die less coz although they're DIRTY JAYS, drivers do not try and run them over when it’s on the green man.

We would say bye in Polish, but see above. So we'll leave you with a hearty: "boschlacken!"

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